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- Oak caterpillar
- Presentation
- Formulation Gel - Cryptobiose
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- The main useful nematodes
Target pests
- Thrips
- Palm Butterfly (Paysandisia archon)
- The red weevil (Palm tree)
- Soil flies
- The ants
- Box tree moth
- Cutworm - cutworm caterpillars
- crane fly larvae
- The cutters
- White grubs, cockchafers
- Otiorhynchus
- Colorado potato beetle
- The plane tree tiger
- fruit codling moth
- mosquito larvae
- root aphid
- Slugs and snails
- The pear tiger - Stephanitis piri
- Tomato leaf miner
- Agave weevil
- Peach tree capnode
- Zeuzère of the fruit trees
- A little history ...
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- Other pests
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palmiers Acarien.info, products against mites
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Purin Acarien.info, products against mites
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Serpents Acarien.info, products against mites
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Vrillette Acarien.info, products against mites
SOLUNEMA - Plane Tree Tiger - Nematodes (SF)
Treating the Sycamore Tiger
Treating the Sycamore Tiger
- Available from 10 to 250 million Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes
From 14.90 €
Liste des produits : SOLUNEMA - Plane Tree Tiger - Nematodes (SF)
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
Treatment with Steinernema Feltiae nematodes to control the plane tree tiger
The corythucha ciliata , also called the plane tree tiger, is a pest of the plane tree native to Asia. The adults feed on the foliage of plane trees by sucking the sap, leaving brown marks and discolorations on the leaves. Damage can weaken the tree and reduce its ability to produce chlorophyll, which can lead to premature leaf drop and reduced growth.
Steinernema Feltia nematodes, an effective natural product on the plane tree tiger
Nematodes are microscopic worms entomopathogenic (or auxiliary).
This nematode kills insects at the larval stage
Once applied to the plane tree, this nematode comes into contact with the pest (the larvae) and penetrates it by its natural means.
As soon as the nematodes have entered the larva, the bacteria which live in symbiosis with the nematodes are released. These bacteria produce a toxin that kills the larvae. Under optimal conditions, the infested insect stops feeding very quickly and dies within 48 to 72 hours.
A harmless biological product
These microscopic worms are non-toxic for applicators, residents and animals.
With no re-entry period (DRE), this organic treatment is ideal for application in an urban environment.
Packaging: Exists in several packaging:
- 10 millions
- 25 millions
- 50 millions
- 250 Million
Application period
In the spring, before the appearance of the leaves, treatment of the trunk and the main branches, In the summer, treatment of the foliage in the event of persistence of the attack.
ATTENTION: These microscopic worms are living organisms, and to bring you the best product quality, we ship them from Monday to Thursday inclusive.
If you choose delivery to a collection point, we cannot guarantee the delivery date and consequently the duration of use of the product could be reduced (particularly in summer).
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
See this product sheet
See this product sheet