The plane tree tiger

The sycamore tiger (Corythucha ciliata) is a pest that mainly attacks the leaves of plane trees, but can also infest other tree species. It gets its name from its black and white markings which resemble those of a tiger.

Adults are about 5-6mm in length and have white wings with black markings. The larvae are pale yellow in color and feed on the leaves, which can cause significant damage to the tree.

Steinernema feltiae nematodes can be used to control plane tree tigers by infecting the larvae and killing them. The nematodes move in search of their prey, enter their body and kill them within a few days.

For maximum effectiveness, it is important to apply the nematodes when the larvae are present in the tree and to follow the product application instructions. It is also important to maintain optimal conditions for nematodes, such as appropriate temperature and sufficiently humid weather.

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