SOLUNEMA - Nematodes Steinernema Feltiae (SF)

Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes are microscopic worms used in biological control. Eliminates pests and harmful insects.

Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes are microscopic worms used in biological control. Eliminates pests and harmful insects.

  • Available from 10 to 250 million Steinnernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes

From 14.90 €

Biological treatment with Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes against pests and/or harmful insects

Nematodes are microscopic worms that penetrate insect pest larvae and release symbiotic bacteria. These bacteria transform the host tissues into assimilable nutrients allowing the nematodes to feed, grow and reproduce inside the host. This kills the pest within a few hours or days of infection.

Scientific name: Steinernema Feltie
General species: Entomopathogenic nematodes
Product category: Cultivation aid

  • For protection against various insect pests in protected and open crops
  • Effective in a wide temperature range
  • Highly soluble biodegradable formulation with long shelf life

Use for


  • Sciarid flies (Lycoriella spp., Bradysia spp.)
  • Shore flies (Scatella spp.)
  • Leafminer flies (Liriomyza spp.)


  • Pupae and larvae of thrips (Thysanoptera)
  • Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis)

Beetles - Weevil

  • Weevil larvae (Otiorhynchus spp.)

Lepidoptera - caterpillars

  • Tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta)
  • Oak Processionary (Thaumetopoea processionea)
  • Lesser hop hepiale (Korscheltellus lupulina)
  • Cutworm larvae - cutworms (Noctuidae)
  • Cotton bollworm (Spodoptera littoralis)
  • Corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea)
  • Tomato looper (Chrysodeixis chalcites)


  • Sycamore Tiger (Corythucha ciliata)


mode of action

The nematodes penetrate the larva of the insect pest and release symbiotic bacteria into the body cavity of the pest. These bacteria transform the host tissues into assimilable nutrients allowing the nematodes to feed, grow and reproduce inside the host. This kills the pest within a few hours or days of infection.

Activity indices

Infected pests are usually hard to find. Infected leaf pests simply fall to the ground. Infected insect pests in the root zone turn yellow to brown but may be difficult to see due to rapid breakdown.

Stage of development

Third-stage infective larvae (L3)


86% Steinernema Feltiae – 14% biodegradable inert carrier.


Remove the sachets from the box and keep them at room temperature for 30 minutes
Empty the contents of the sachets into a bucket containing at least 2 liters of water per sachet (water temperature: 15-20°C (59-68°F))
Mix well and soak the solution for five minutes
Mix again and pour the contents of the bucket into the half-filled spray tank (unless mixing with a compatible product)
Continue to agitate the solution (using a recirculating pump, for example)
Fill the sprayer tank with the required amount of water
If mixing with a compatible product, add Steinernema feltiae last when the spray tank is completely filled.
Apply directly after preparing the spray solution.


Nematodes can be applied with a watering can, Airblast sprayer, sprinkler, backpack sprayer or vehicle sprayer
To avoid blockage, remove filters, especially if the opening is less than 0.3 mm (50 mesh)
Use a maximum pressure of 20 bar / 290 psi (at the nozzle)
The aperture of the spray jet must be at least 0.5 mm (500 microns – 35 mesh); preferably use hollow cone jet type nozzles with high output
Mix continuously to prevent the nematodes from falling to the bottom of the tank
Avoid sprayers equipped with a centrifugal or piston pump
The water temperature in the sprayer tank should not exceed 25°C (77°F) and the pH should be between 4 and 8
Spray the solution evenly on the surface of the soil/growing medium


Steinernema Feltiae is typically applied at 250,000 to 500,000 nematodes per m² for soil applications and 1 to 3 million nematodes per liter for foliar applications (application to runoff point).

Timing of application

The timing and frequency depends on the pest species and the crop environment (relative humidity, soil moisture and temperature).

Side effects and compatibility

Pesticides can have (in)direct effects on biological solutions. As a general rule, when mixing directly into the spray tank, always add the nematodes last to the fully filled tank containing the compatible product. The product is safe for most beneficial insects and mites, but may have some effect on a few when in direct contact with foliar applied nematodes.


  • Store cool at 2-6°C (do not freeze) in the refrigerator after receipt until use and protected from light.
  • Bring to room temperature for 30 minutes before use.
  • To be used as soon as the temperatures are between 14 to 35° C.
  • Use early morning or late evening to avoid UV, as nematodes are UV sensitive.
  • Nematodes are not afraid of heat (<30°C), keeping them cold only aims to plunge them into cryptobiosis, thus keeping them in a state of lethargy.
  • At room temperature, the nematodes continue their development. On the other hand, without "food", they will eventually die of "starvation" after about a week.
  • Spraying: Remove the filters, use a nozzle diameter > 0.5 mm (35 mesh), prefer a high-flow hollow "conical jet" type nozzle.
  • Do not keep the solution once diluted in water, the nematodes would eventually die of asphyxiation.
SOLUNEMA - 10 Million Nematodes Steinernema Feltiae (SF)
10 million Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes. Microscopic worms used in biological control. Eliminates pests and harmful insects.
See this product sheet
14.90 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2101
SOLUNEMA - 25 Million Nematodes Steinernema Feltiae (SF)
25 million Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes. Microscopic worms used in biological control. Eliminates pests and harmful insects.
See this product sheet
19.90 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2102
SOLUNEMA - 50 Million Nematodes Steinernema Feltiae (SF)
50 million Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes. Microscopic worms used in biological control. Eliminates pests and harmful insects.
See this product sheet
32.50 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2103
SOLUNEMA - 250 Million Nematodes Steinernema Feltiae (SF)
250 million Steinernema Feltiae (SF) nematodes. Microscopic worms used in biological control. Eliminates pests and harmful insects.
See this product sheet
89.00 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2104
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