This site / (hereinafter the "Site") belongs to K3D, a limited liability company with a capital of 1000 euros, registered in the Trade Register and the Trades Register, under number 499 312 023 , whose registered office is located in Saint Claude Huissel, 69550 Amplepuis, represented by Mrs Karine FRENAY as Manager.

Visitors or customers of Everything for Pests, Pest Control Products, online sales acknowledge having read these general conditions and undertake to respect them before any connection to the site.

1. Conditions of access to the Site

Anyone who accesses the Site undertakes to comply with these terms of use. K3D declines all responsibility for the content, accuracy, reliability, precision, relevance and exhaustiveness of the information and data disseminated on this Site, in any form whatsoever (hypertext links, inserts listing, files, advertising, etc.). In particular, K3D cannot be held liable for errors or delays in the transmission of said information and data. All information and data disseminated on this Site are provided for information purposes only. They do not exempt their user from verifying their accuracy and using them with discernment and critical thinking. In particular, K3D cannot be held responsible for decisions, whatever their nature, taken by the user upon consultation of this Site and the information and data disseminated there. The offers proposed by K3D on its Site cannot be of a contractual nature and cannot bind K3D in any way whatsoever.

It is up to the user of this Site to contact K3D directly.

K3D declines all responsibility for the technical difficulties that the user of this Site could, if necessary, encounter, whatever the cause, in particular the occurrence of bugs, the lack of capacity of the terminal used by the user to restore information, failure to respect the integrity of information through the communication network as well as all the risks related to the security of the network and in particular the risks of misappropriation of information.

K3D reserves the right to make any modifications and improvements it deems necessary or useful for the proper functioning of its services. The information that concerns you is intended for K3D.

2.Use of the Customer Area

A customer area is accessible to K3D customers on the Site (“the Members Area”). K3D makes available to Customers at the time of their subscription to K3D offers of registration at, the various elements allowing them to connect to the Members Area (the "Identifiers").

This Space allows the Client in particular to view and, if necessary, modify the characteristics of his registration, his possible options and the way in which he wishes K3D to communicate with him.

The Customer undertakes to keep his Identifiers secret and not to disclose them to any third party in any way whatsoever. In order to access the Customer Area, the Customer must be at least 18 years old, be legally capable of contracting. The Customer is in all cases responsible for his use of the Members Area, in particular for purchases made and contractual modifications made via this Area. The Customer guarantees K3D the accuracy of the information provided and its veracity. In case of loss of his Identifiers, the Customer must immediately inform K3D who will endeavor to delete them as soon as possible. New Identifiers will then be sent to the Customer. K3D will endeavor to keep the Customer Area accessible, but will not incur any liability in the event that it is inaccessible for any reason whatsoever.

3.Personal or Professional Data

In accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) . In application of article L27 of the law of January 6, 1978, the information collected via the support service (surname, first name, email, etc.) is only intended for the management of this service. The information collected on the professionals using the service will in no case be transferred to third parties without your express prior consent.

All users have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete their personal data (art. 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law). To exercise this right, contact:

Sarl K3D – Customer Service
Computing and Freedom
Saint-Claude Huissel
69550 Amplepuis

This request can also be made by email to the address:

4. Intellectual Property - Trademarks

All of the elements of text, images and/or signs present on the Site are the property of K3D and/or the rights holders concerned and may not be reproduced without express prior authorisation. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, on any medium whatsoever is prohibited without the express prior authorization of K3D and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of the intellectual property code.


When browsing the Site, “cookies” may be installed on your computer.

A "cookie" is a small file that a website sends to an Internet user's machine through the browser, containing information about his browsing, and intended to identify this machine during a subsequent connection. On a technical level, they make it possible for us to provide personalized services. You have the option of visiting our site without receiving cookies by disabling the receipt of cookies in your web browser settings. In this case, however, K3D does not guarantee that all of the technical features offered by our site will be accessible to you.

6 - Update of the site's legal notice

K3D reserves the right to update this legal notice at any time, according to the evolution of the content of the site and the additional constraints of necessary protection. We therefore invite all users to visit this page each time they consult the site in order to become familiar with it.

7 - Establishment of hypertext links

Any public or private site is authorized to establish a hypertext link on the home page of the site. The links made to specific pages of the site (deep links or "deep linking") are subject to prior authorization from the site manager. The URL of the targeted page must be clearly indicated. The user site must not make the site appear to be its own, distort the content of the target site, refrain from clearly indicating that the Internet user is being directed to The pages of the website must not be nested within the pages of another site, but may be displayed in a new window, except in the context of partnership by affiliation, in agreement with the site managers. . The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website in the direction of other resources present on the Internet network, cannot engage the responsibility of K3D.

8 - Terms of use

The use for commercial purposes (constitution of commercial databases and automated prospecting of email addresses) of data downloaded from is strictly prohibited.
In order to respect the privacy of subscribers, to fight against spam and the illicit collection of personal data, access to the site is limited to manual use and any use of a robot is prohibited.

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