SOLUNEMA - Hazelnut weevil - Nematodes (HB)

Treating hazelnut weevils with nematodes

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  • Available from 25 to 500 million Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora (HB) nematodes

From 19.90 €

Treatment against hazelnut weevils - 25 million HB nematodes
Treatment with Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora (HB) nematodes - 25 million for 1 hazelnut tree
See this product sheet
19.90 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2361
Treatment against hazelnut weevils - 50 million HB nematodes
Treatment with Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora (HB) nematodes - 50 million for 2 hazelnut trees
See this product sheet
32.50 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2364
Treatment against hazelnut weevils - 500 million HB nematodes
Treatment with Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora (HB) nematodes - 500 million for 20 hazelnut trees
See this product sheet
139.00 â‚¬ TTC
ID : 2365
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